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Friday 21 October 2011

Top 5 Mysterious Murders

The 'Jack the Ripper' murders

Whitechapel, London 1888.
Victims: Annie Chapman (above left), Mary Ann Nichols (centre), Elizabeth Stride (right), Catherine Eddowes and Marie Jeanette Kelly.
The deaths of these five prostitutes were all attributed to the most brutal - and accomplished - serial killer of recent times. All five had their throats slashed, while three of the bodies were grotesquely ripped open and stripped of organs.
At the height of Ripper-hysteria, suspects ranged across the social classes, from drug-addled low-lives to a known satanist and two bogus doctors.
Recent 'Ripperologists' have also toyed with assorted Victorian A-listers, including HRH Duke of Clarence, grandson of Queen Victoria and an alleged frequenter of brothels. Yet Court Circulars show the Duke being away from London at the time.

The General's Wife

Ightham, Kent, August 24 1908.
Victim: Caroline Mary Luard
The well-connected 58-year-old was beaten to the floor and shot twice through the head in a woodland summerhouse (pictured above). She and her husband, Major General Charles Edward Luard, had walked out together.
The General needed to retrieve some golf clubs, while Mrs Luard just fancied the stroll. The elderly soldier found his wife the same evening, lying in blood, with purse and rings missing.
The victim of an apparently unjustified and vicious whispering campaign, Luard threw himself under a train three weeks later.
A man, convicted and hanged for another murder in 1910, has since been linked, but the case remains the stuff of Edwardian melodrama and mystery, and baffled senior detectives like Superintendent Taylor.

The Sawn-Up Man

Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire, February 3 1938.
Victim: Unidentified
The case began when fishermen hauled an evil-smelling torso from the River Severn. Dismembered limbs were later recovered - but no head or hands.
The body, believed to be that of the philandering Captain William Butt (above), missing from home in nearby Cheltenham, was never formally identified. Coverage of 'the case of a thousand clues' fizzed with tales of homosexuality, blackmail and illegal abortion.
Then it emerged that the seedy gigolo Brian Sullivan whose mother nursed Butt's sick wife - had committed suicide in Cheltenham.

The butchered torso and limbs are meanwhile buried in a Gloucestershire churchyard, still waiting to be matched with an owner.

The Pitchfork Murder

Lower Quinton, Warwickshire, February 14 1945.
Victim: Charles Walton
The 74-year-old farmworker, said to have strange powers over animals, was beaten with his walking stick, impaled with his own pitchfork and slashed through the neck with his billhook. Most chillingly, the same billhook was used to gouge a cross into Walton`s chest.
Not even the legendary Scotland Yard detective Robert Fabian could unravel a case that had the hallmarks of a ritualistic killing.
It didn't help that a local woman, suspected of witchcraft, was also murdered with a pitchfork in 1875. Witches could apparently yoke toads to ruin crops - and 'loner' Walton was known to keep natterjack toads as pets. For once 'Fabian of the Yard' failed to get his man.

The 'Bible John' Murders

Glasgow, 1968-69.
Victims: Patricia Docker (pictured above), Jemima McDonald (pictured next page), Helen Puttock
The hunt goes on for the most notoriously creepy figure in Scotland's recent criminal history. In a year-long reign of terror, the three young Glasgow women were all strangled with their own tights by a baby-faced, bible-spouting weirdo, who stalked a city ballroom.
He'd been heard telling Helen Puttock, before luring her to her death, "I don't drink at Hogmanay, I pray." Police insist the case remains 'live'. In 1996, they exhumed the body of a 41-year-old man who had committed suicide - but DNA samples were inconclusive.
Peter Tobin, convicted recently of killing two teenaged girls in southern England in 1991, has also been linked.


THE TIMES -May 1900


One of those mysterious murders which now and again shock London came to light at Brixton on Saturday morning. For some time past Mrs. Mary Kate Waknell, a middle-aged woman living apart from her husband, and a lad of 16 years named Robert Burgess, her son by a former marriage, have occupied apartments in a house in Water Lane, Brixton, a thoroughfare in close proximity to the main Brixton-road.

The house, which is in the occupation of several families, stands back from the road and is approached by a long forecourt. There is a separate entrance to the basement rooms occupied by Mrs. Waknell and her son. So far as can be ascertained Mrs. Waknell went out about 11 o'clock on Friday night and returned soon after midnight, it is believed, alone.

Nothing occurred during the night to attract the attention of the other occupants of the house, and it was not until the boy Burgess (who slept in the back basement room) arose on Saturday morning and went into his mother's apartment that it was found a murder had been committed. 

The woman, clothed only in her night attire, was found lying on the floor in a pool of blood and with a pillow over her face. There was a horrible gash in her throat, and an exceedingly sharp pair of scissors was found embedded in her left breast in the region of the heart.

It is said that there were also stabs about other part of the body. There were no signs of a struggle, the contents of the room being undisturbed, but it is significant that the front door was found open. The scissors were the property of the woman, and were used by her in her trade as a mantle maker.

The medical man who was called in had difficulty in deciding that it was impossible for the wounds to have been self-inflicted. The police are making all possible inquiries, but the assailant left not a single vestige of evidence which could be followed up, and the officers engaged in the case freely confess that they are without a clue. The inquest in fixed for to-day.

Mr. G. P. Wyatt, coroner, held an inquest at the Lambeth Coroner's Court yesterday on the body of MARY KATE WAKENELL, aged 42 years, the wife of Arthur Norman Case Wakenell, a shop assistant, who was found murdered at 44, Water Lane, Brixton, on Saturday morning.

Robert Burgess, a son, said that his mother and stepfather separated some five years ago. The witness last saw Wakenell eight or nine weeks ago, when he passed the house on the opposite side of the way and went into the Royal Oak public house.

His mother never met his stepfather, so far as he knew, outside; in fact she did not want Wakenell to know where she lived. His mother got her living by mantlemaking, but had not done much the last few weeks. 

The witness and his mother occupied two rooms in the basement at 44, Water Lane, for which they paid 7pounds per week. His mother slept in the front room, and the witness in the kitchen at the back.

When he returned home from work shortly after 10 o'clock last Friday night his mother, who appeared as usual, was dressing to go out.

He gave her some money, and about half an hour later she left the house. She frequently went out at nights and drunk a little too much at times. He went to bed soon alter she had left, and did not hear her return.

At a quarter to 8 o'clock on Saturday morning he went into his mother's room and found her lying on the floor in her nightdress with a pillow over her face. He removed the pillow, thinking she was in a fit, and then saw a quantity of blood about her. He immediately called down the landlady.

There was a passage from his mother's room door to the area door leading to the street, and this was wide open when he went for medical assistance. His mother usually locked it when she came in at night. He identified the scissors produced as belonging to his mother.

Harriett Ada Burgess, a daughter of the deceased woman, stated that her stepfather was employed by Messrs. Parking and Gotto for some 14 years. He married her mother on September 3, 1892.

Her mother subsequently succeeded to some money, and he then left his situation and lived upon her. If she would not give him money to get drink he used to strike her. The witness was under the impression that her mother had met him about nine months ago at Camberwell.
Dr. J. F. Fielder, of 12, Water Lane, stated that he was called in and found the woman lying on her back with her legs drawn up.

There was a cut wound on the neck 3 ½ in. long. On the left side of the body near the upper border of the fourth rib, close to the armpit, was inserted one blade of a pair of tailors' scissors. The right eyelid was blackened as from a blow of considerable violence. Death had occurred some four hours previous to his arrival. 

He subsequently made a post mortem examination of the body. There had been at least six attempts to cut the throat. There were seven stab wounds which lead punctured the liver, and another had penetrated the right ventricle of the heart.

The spleen was also punctured, and there were other minor wounds about the body. The wounds were V-shaped. He could not say whether the injuries were inflicted by a right or left handed man.

It was impossible for the wounds to be self-inflicted. The scissors produced were capable of inflicting all the injuries. In his opinion the blow she received over the right eye would be sufficient to stun her and prevent her from screaming.

Inspector D. O'Sullivan, of the W Division, stated that he was called and examined the room, but found no signs of a struggle. The police were instituting inquiries into the affair.

Police-constable Crayford, 141 W, stated that he had known the woman by sight for about four mouths. He last saw her shortly after midnight on Friday; she was then in the Effra Road, going towards Water Lane.

She appeared quite sober. He had seen her out late at night with different men.
The jury returned a verdict of "Wilful murder against some person or persons unknown. 

The Ghastly Discovery of the Body of Mrs. Kate Wakenell, which bore Twenty-seven stabs with a pair of Scissors.

A MURDER peculiarly brutal and mysterious, for which no motive can at present be definitely assigned, was committed early on Saturday morning at 44, Water Lane, Brixton.

The victim was Mary Kate Wakenell, a married woman, 42 years of age, who had been for some time separated from her husband.
Mrs. Wakenell occupied, with her son, a lad of sixteen, a set of small rooms in the basement of the building.

Her landlady, with whom she seldom came in contact, knew little of her movements, and supposed her to be a mantle-maker. She kept late hours, frequently returning to the rooms after midnight. Generally, however, she was a quiet tenant. The son is a respectable lad in regular employment.

About twelve o'clock on Friday night Mrs. Wakenell went out saying, saying she would soon return. She was last seen alive in Effra Road, Brixton, shortly after midnight. 

The murder was discovered by her son at eight o'clock on Saturday morning. Her body, almost nude, lay on the floor, and a pillow, which had apparently been used to smother her cries, was pressed on her face. There were no fewer than twenty-seven wounds on the body, and a pair of scissors with which she had been stabbed to the heart was still in her breast. 

The strangest feature of the crime is that most of the wounds appear to have been inflicted before the fatal stab in the breast. But no trace of a struggle has been found in the room, nor did Mrs. Wakenell's son, who slept in an adjoining room, hear any disturbance during the night. 

The murderer is supposed to have returned to the house with Mrs. Wakenell about one or two o'clock, and to have gone quietly out through the door after killing her. The woman is known to have had a small sum of money on Friday night, but none of it has been found in her room. 

She and her husband had frequently quarrelled prior to their separation, and he had been before the court for assaulting and threatening her. He is described as a stationer's traveller, about forty years of age.


Mr. G.P. Wyatt, the Coroner for the Southern District, opened the inquiry into the circumstances of the woman's death to-day. 

A boy with a blank dead wall of a face lumbered heavily into the witness box. 

He was Robert W. Burgess, the son, who on going into the front room in the early morning, stumbled over the corpse of his mother lying in her nightdress behind the connecting door, between the bed and the door that led from the front room to the passage.

With many a halt and stumble he told how his mother "sometimes did mantle-making, but not often;" how, in spite of the fact that she did little or no work, she was able to pay the rent and provide him with food; and how he last saw her alive at ten minutes to eleven on Friday night, when she went out showily dressed, saying that he was to sleep, and not stir from the next room. 

"She often went out at that hour nearly every night," he added, and his head drooped. "That was the last time I saw her alive." At this juncture a post-card, received by the deceased woman and found in her room at the time of the discovery of her body, was handed by the coroner to the witness.

Yes he recognised the postal-card. He had seen it in her room on Friday. This card, which is more than likely to have an important bearing on the result of the investigation, told of rooms in Lime Street, Brixton, engaged by the writer for Mrs. Waknell, was signed, "With you last night."

The date on the postcard (Friday) made it clear that the writer had been in Mrs. Waknell's company twenty-four hours before the murder. Harriet Burgess, the daughter of the dead woman, told briefly of the relations that that had existed between her mother and step-father.

For five years Mr. Waknell had lived with her mother, occupying the position of a shop-walker, and had continued in work until her mother inherited money, when he gave up his situation. "Constantly quarrelling" was the witness' reason of the cause of the final separation.

"Was Waknell left-handed?" said Mr. Wyatt, breaking in upon Miss Burgess' graphic account of a domestic fight between Waknell and her mother. The significance of the coroner's question is evident in view of the fact that the wound in the throat runs from left to right, and had therefore been inflicted with the right hand, a circumstance which would support a theory of suicide.

Miss Burgess replied, "I often saw him strike my mother, but I cannot say that he was not left-handed."
And the jury by their questions supported the girl in her inferential suggestions against Waknell, blissfully unaware that he had already surrendered himself to the police and fully and satisfactorily accounted for his movements at the time of the murder.

The evidence given by Dr. Frederick Fielder completely disposed of any lingering theory of suicide. "The wound in the heart, which was the fatal wound," he said, "could not have been self-inflicted."

Finally, Cornelius Crayford, a police-constable, swore that he had met the deceased in the Effra Road going in the direction of her home. "Generally she had a man with her," said the policeman. "This time she was alone and sober." "Murdered by some person or persons unknown." said the jury, and thus for the present the case stands.

The Police arrested a man on suspicion of being connected with the tragedy. The outside of his shirt-cuffs -- especially the right one -- it is stated, bore bloodstains, and there was blood on his night-shirt and the sheets of his bed.

It is stated that the man arrested is known to have been intimately acquainted with Mrs. Waknell. 


When a child goes missing, you do anything and everything the police ask you to do -- because those first hours can be critical to solving the case.
But when hours turn into days and weeks, or even months and years, there's desperation and a willingness to look anywhere for answers.

John and Magi Bish needed to find their daughter, Molly, who disappeared in 2000 in the town of Warren, Mass. And they've been willing to work with or without the police to find out what happened to her. 

Last winter, Correspondent Susan Spencer reported on this case from a small town that's become home to a large web of suspicion.

It is in the Walden-like setting of Warren that one of the biggest mysteries in Massachusetts began four years ago. 

On the morning of June 27, 2000, Magi Bish was in the car with her 16-year-old daughter Molly on the way to Comins Pond, the local swimming hole. Just a week before, Molly had started a summer job as a lifeguard there. 

They arrived just before 10 a.m. The lot was empty, except for a dump truck dropping off a load of sand.

"What she said to me is, 'I love you, Mom,' and that was the last I seen of her,'" says Magi, who watched her daughter walk toward the beach. She then waited for the dump truck to drive out before she drove away. 

About 20 minutes later, Sandra Woodworth arrived at the pond with her kids. "The first-aid kit was wide open, backpack was on the bench, her towel was draped over the back of the chair, sandals were in the front, the Poland Springs water bottle was right there," says Woodworth. "But there was no Molly." 

Another hour passed. Molly's boss, Parks Commissioner Ed Fett, then showed up and realized Molly wasn't there. He also noticed her sandals and the opened first-aid kit, which he closed. Then, he called the police. 

Eventually, the Warren police arrived. Molly had been missing for over three hours by the time they called Magi Bish. 

Police at first suspected that Molly had simply abandoned her post to go and hang out with her friends. But for people who knew Molly, that sounded almost impossible. 

"She never would just leave her job. We knew it," says Magi. "We knew. And I kept saying something is very wrong." 

Molly was John and Magi Bish's third and youngest child. She had just completed her junior year of high school. A varsity athlete, Molly had attended the prom with her boyfriend, Steve Lukas. And, like her older siblings, John and Heather, Molly was no stranger to work.

"This was a girl who gave up her Saturdays at 16 to go train to become a lifeguard. She took her work very seriously," says her sister, Heather. "There's not a doubt in my mind that she would have done anything to jeopardize that."

Later that afternoon, when it finally became clear to police that Molly wasn't with her boyfriend or any of her buddies, they moved on to what they considered the next logical possibility. "They were saying she drowned and I was saying there's no possible way," says her brother, John. 

By late that afternoon, the Massachusetts State Police had taken over the investigation. Over the next few days, they launched a massive search, working under Worcester County District Attorney John Conte. A battalion of volunteers from the local area also helped search for Molly. 

While the Boston media swarmed the story, the Bish family was lost in a never-never land of fear, grief and shock. "You're breathing but you're not alive," says Magi. "You're walking and you can't make any sense of the world that you trusted one day before."

After the biggest, most costly search in Massachusetts history, the Bish family still had no answers. 

"I could read in their eyes, they wanted to bring Molly home so bad and they couldn't," says Magi. "You can lose your keys, and you can lose your glasses, but how in America do you lose your child?"

While investigators focused on local residents, John and Magi Bish were forming a theory of their own.

"I don't believe any of these people around here were involved in this. This is the work of a professional, who knew what he was doing," says John Bish.

And it wasn't just a theory. Magi Bish believes exactly 24 hours before Molly disappeared, she may have seen the man who abducted her.

Molly Bish is still a living presence for her family, years after she vanished. "I say we live between hell and hope," says her mother, Magi Bish.

Before long, the Bish family decided to throw themselves into activism, and do all they can to keep alive the hope that they'll find their daughter as well.

At one event for missing children, they even met the parents of another missing blond teenager -- Elizabeth Smart -- and began corresponding. Like the Smarts, the Bish family couldn't sit back and expect the police to do it alone.

John Bish makes regular pilgrimages to Comins Pond, and he has his own theory of what happened.

It goes back to the morning before Molly vanished, when Magi Bish saw a man sitting alone in a white car in the parking lot. She waited nervously for 20 minutes, until the man drove off. Then, Magi says, she put the incident out of her mind until the next day.

"The man had dark hair, kind of, salt-and-peppered, though he was between.. maybe 45 and 55," recalls Magi Bish. Police have released two composite sketches.

Police discovered that Magi Bish wasn't the only one who'd seen a white car in the vicinity. Other witnesses also spotted a white car – first, near a car wash at the base of Comins Pond Road. And later, at the end of a trail from the beach to the cemetery.

John Bish says the scene itself provides telling hints as to exactly what happened next, starting with that open first-aid kit: "I think this was just someone who said, 'I need a band-aid. I've cut myself. Do you have something?'"

Then, after Molly turned to open the kit, John thinks the kidnapper forced her up the cemetery trail, since her shoes were left behind. He says she'd never voluntarily have gone barefoot up that hill.

District Attorney John Conte pursued the white-car theory seriously, and his team did a cursory search of 125 white cars. But his investigators believed the abductor had to live nearby. They began interrogating local sex offenders.

At least one of those questioned, a convicted child rapist named Oscar Baillargeon, bears a striking resemblance to the sketch. He's also admitted to meeting Molly at a party. But Magi Bish had doubts: "Definitely there's resemblance, but it's, the hair wasn't..."

The sketch has become one of the most recognized drawings in Massachusetts. But police have never identified the "white car man."

"We've got over 4,000 leads in a database," says Conte. "We're looking for evidence. We don't have it."

Three years after Molly disappeared, the investigation suddenly re-ignited. A piece of Molly's clothing was discovered on a wooded hillside, five miles from the pond where she vanished. It's the first major clue in the case.

But the big break comes from a local ex-cop named Tim McGuigan, who had an obsession with an entirely different crime - the abduction of another young girl from the area.

In August 1993, Holly Piirainen, 10, went walking along a country road near her grandmother's house in Sturbridge, Mass., and simply vanished. All searchers found was one small shoe.

In the following weeks, Holly's parents, Richard and Tina, and grandmother, Maureen, went through the same ordeal the Bish family would experience seven years later. Ten weeks after she vanished, local hunters discovered Holly's remains in the woods nearby.

"The worst part of it for me was wondering who it was who did this to my daughter," says Holly's mother, Tina.

Investigators were never able to figure out who killed Holly Piirainen. But several years later, McGuigan couldn't get Holly's unsolved murder out of his mind: "I thought of the innocence of this child and her life taken away by a predator. It made me realize there's real evil out there. There's evil out there. And I wanted to do everything I could do to help her."

McGuigan started his own investigation, but he says his superiors were not sympathetic.

"What's bigger in life than getting a predator off the street before he grabs somebody else," asks McGuigan, who admits that the case began to take over his life. He started drinking heavily, his marriage fell apart, and in August 2002, he left the force and drifted from job to job.

While writing a true crime account of Holly's murder, McGuigan became increasingly fascinated with its similarities with the Molly Bish case. They were both young, blonde girls who vanished in a rural area, just a few miles apart. McGuigan now went to the Bish family asking for permission to investigate Molly's case as well.

Two weeks later, police made a startling announcement. They discovered pieces of a weather-beaten bathing suit, much like the one Molly Bish was wearing. McGuigan discovered the suit, and he says a local hunter, Ricky Beaudreau, led him to the site.

Beaudreau says he had actually seen the blue suit months earlier, but he'd forgotten about it until he crossed paths again with McGuigan. The bathing suit was sent to the laboratory and another intensive ground search began.

"We want to solve this case, and we want to find Molly, and we want to bring her back to the Bishes," says Conte. 

After one more grueling week, John and Magi Bish hear the news they have been dreading: the discovery of a human bone, an upper arm bone from a person 14-20 years old.

Over the next few days, more grisly discoveries are made - including another rib and vertebrae, a total of 20 bones. Finally, on June 9, investigators confirm that the remains are those of their daughter, Molly.

"I do know that Molly's in heaven and she doesn't have to suffer anymore," says Magi Bish.

The search for Molly Bish is over, but for her family, the search for Molly's killer feels more urgent than ever.

"This recovery of Molly hasn't ended anything. It's changed the focus of the investigation. We have to find this person, or he's gonna hurt someone again," says John Bish.

Investigators begin redoubling their efforts. But while the official investigators were on that hillside hunting for evidence, McGuigan conducted his unofficial investigation five miles down the road - at the scene where Molly was abducted.

With him is criminal profiler John Kelly, who has developed a profile of the killer: "We felt he had to be a hometown guy because of the way Comins Pond is situated. He knew which roads to take. I mean this deed was carried out in an almost perfect way until her body was found."

Kelly also believes the man wasn't a novice: "He wouldn't be as good. He wouldn't be methodical. 'Cause bear in mind this has been the perfect crime for three years. He got away with murder."

The discovery of Molly's body confirmed one of Kelly's predictions – that the killer would look for higher ground: "The reason for that is because if you go up on higher ground, doing whatever you're going to do to your victim, you can see people coming up, you can hear people coming up. So that gives you time either to escape or take off, or it gives you time to hide."

McGuigan and Kelly also visited Holly's crime scenes, and they are struck more than ever by the similarities in the cases, and the killer's profiles.

"This is obviously someone who knew the area extremely well, extremely well," says Kelly, who now believes 50-50 that these cases are connected. "I mean, this is really out of the way. I mean he obviously realized that he wasn't going to be interrupted."

Robert Armes, the man who McGuigan has kept coming back to for three years, becomes the focus of his investigation again.

Armes is a day laborer from Sturbridge who's since moved to a neighboring state. "I think that he's involved with Holly Piirainen," says McGuigan. "I'm not sure of any involvement with Molly Bish. I'm absolutely sure about Holly."

McGuigan says Armes knew the area well, and acted suspiciously after Holly's murder. He bought new boots the same day she was abducted, and then junked the car he'd been driving. "He knew about physical evidence. He wanted to get rid of physical evidence," says McGuigan.

But perhaps most striking of all is what Armes did shortly after Holly disappeared. He approached the family, volunteering to search and raise money.

In another strange move, Armes went to the press, declared himself a suspect, and denied any involvement: "I have a clear conscience. I don't need to confess to something I didn't do to have a clear conscience."

Police have never been able to determine Armes' whereabouts when the abduction took place, but they claim that he failed a lie detector test.

In the intervening years, McGuigan has taken statements from various people who know Armes, and claims to have overheard him implicate himself in the Piirainen murder.

As for the official investigation, State Police Lt. Peter Higgins says he's grateful for McGuigan's leads: "He has provided us information in the past, we've looked at it, we've worked on it, and it's proved helpful."

But so far, there just isn't sufficient credible evidence to justify an arrest. "Robert Armes knows what he did that day. He knows what he did," says McGuigan. "I'd like to talk to him."

After repeated requests for an interview, 48 Hours tracked down Armes in New Hampshire. Since moving there, Armes has been arrested numerous times on petty offenses, and pleaded guilty to assault against his own daughter.

Spencer asked Armes if she could ask him some questions about the Holly Piirainen case. He refused to answer. But McGuigan is still convinced that until Armes answers some questions, he can't be ruled out as Holly Piirainen's killer.

There's far less evidence, however, to link him to the murder of Molly Bish. Armes vaguely resembles the first composite sketch of the mysterious "white car man," and witnesses put him in the area the week of Molly's disappearance. But other than the fact that he matches elements of Kelly's profile, there's little else to suggest Armes had any involvement.

"Can we say Robert Armes is responsible? Absolutely not," says Kelly. "We need to eliminate him, and he's certainly a person of interest who needs to be eliminated."

But wherever these investigations lead, McGuigan has certainly had an effect in refocusing the police's attention on them. "Even if I'm wrong, Molly Bish is still going home," says McGuigan. "There's a lot of activity being placed on these cases right now."

Nearly four years after Molly Bish disappeared, there's a permanent task force of several detectives still investigating her murder.

Police also say they're sharing information with the neighboring county, where Holly Piirainen was killed, and still have not ruled out the possibility of a connection.

On August 2, 2003, what would have been her 20th birthday, Molly Bish was laid to rest.

Since 48 Hours first aired this story last December, Worcester County District Attorney John Conte empaneled a grand jury to hear testimony in the Molly Bish case. So far, no indictments.

Ex-cop Tim McGuigan, who turned up key evidence in the case, is among those who've testified. He's given up on getting back into law enforcement, and is working on getting his book published.

Meanwhile, Molly's parents, John and Magi Bish, have been speaking to police all across the country, hoping to improve the way they handle missing child cases.